*CHIDAMBARA RAHASYAM* (THE SECRET) After 8 years of R & D, Western scientists have proved that at Lord Nataraja 's big toe is the Centre Point of World 's Magnetic Equator. *Our ancient Tamil Scholar Thirumoolar has proved this Five thousand years ago!* His treatise, Thirumandiram is a wonderful Scientific guide for the whole world. To understand his studies, it may need a 100 years for us. Chidambaram temple embodies the following characteristics : 1) This temple is located at the Center Point of world 's Magnetic Equator. 2) Of the "Pancha bootha" i.e. 5 temples, Chidambaram denotes the Skies. Kalahasthi denotes Wind. Kanchi Ekambareswar denotes land. All these 3 temples are located in a straight line at 79 degrees 41 minutes Longitude. This can be verified using Google. An amazing fact & astronomical miracle ! 3) Chidambaram temple is based on the Human ...